
Showing posts from April, 2019

Games 4 Change challenge! - Jorge Carty Diaz

This was one of my best experiences because i got to make my first game prototype. I was excited because i want to be a game developer in the future and in this case, this game was develop for a competition citywide that Games for Change was organizing. I used GameMaker Studio 2 to create this. It was time consuming because i was learning GML which is a type of C++ but in GM's way. I had to watch tutorials about the language and how to create games before trying to create mine since i was introducing myself into a whole new world of possibilities. My topic was about Automated Communities 2050 and it had a simple concept.  Game description: The main character (you) is an inventor from 1990 and you're responsible for building the future technologically. Your decisions on things you want to invent will affect the future and the future ending in either a positive or negative way.

Workshop - Mock interviews 2019

In this workshop, organized by the CTE staff within my school, we were practicing interview skills with professionals that know about the topic. We were divided into groups and my group was getting interviewed by the school's psychologist. We made the interview look as professional as possible to try to get more experience doing so. Also, at the end, she gave us feedback after the interviews and what she told us is that we need to stop fidgeting with our legs because that might distract the interviewer or bother him/her. Also, she complemented us by saying that we have very good eye contact. we knew what to talk about at all times, and that most of the interviews felt like a conversation more than a interview itself, which is a good thing.

Lab #19 Assignment Operators - Jorge Carty

In this lab, what i did was change the content inside the functions to make the calculator work a little differently from the previous lab. In comparison to the previous lab, Lab 18, I needed to give the user an initial value and allow the user to input a secondary value to do the calculations which in this case we have, multiplication, division, addition, subtraction, and modulus. I also added an extra button that gives the user more freedom over the calculator and allows them to change the initial value as they please, using the "A=B" button. Also, an extra feature added on this program was the random number generator, basically every time you reload the page, you will get a new initial value that isn't greater than 3 digits but that was me being extra.

Lab #18 Arithmetic Operations - Jorge Carty Diaz

In this lab, the premise was to make a simple calculator that calculates (duh!) two different values that the user gave in. I added two texts inputs that takes the values given by the user and makes a operation depending on the type of operator they pick. I also have buttons that trigger functions that make the calculations (e.g multiplication, modulus, division, addition, subtraction). This project was made using javascript for the calculators, HTML for the page layout and CSS for the page design. This was fun to do since it didn't require much brainstorming and it was relatively easy, which is good because that means we are getting better at coding. I forgot to mention before, what's the point of making calculations without displaying it? I gave the p tag an ID that was later on used on JS to display the result of the calculation.