Games 4 Change challenge! - Jorge Carty Diaz
This was one of my best experiences because i got to make my first game prototype. I was excited because i want to be a game developer in the future and in this case, this game was develop for a competition citywide that Games for Change was organizing. I used GameMaker Studio 2 to create this. It was time consuming because i was learning GML which is a type of C++ but in GM's way. I had to watch tutorials about the language and how to create games before trying to create mine since i was introducing myself into a whole new world of possibilities. My topic was about Automated Communities 2050 and it had a simple concept. Game description: The main character (you) is an inventor from 1990 and you're responsible for building the future technologically. Your decisions on things you want to invent will affect the future and the future ending in either a positive or negative way.