
Showing posts from September, 2019

LAB UNO - Jorge Carty Diaz

My first lab was easy and difficult. I tried making it better than my previous Homepage (yes lab 1 is the homepage). I decided to learn more about designing strategies to make my website look better. I used HTML and CSS for the most part and JavaScript will be implemented later on development. This has opened my interest in making my website look better and more professional. I have a basic layout of how I want it to look like. This makes me a better web designer because I am able to practice and make more variety of stuff and put my imagination into reality.

TIME TO BRAG - Jorge Carty Diaz

If I compared the freshman me with the present me, there would be a huge difference, from the way I dress up to the way I talk and act. I can't believe I'm in my senior year when it feels like I just arrived to High School 2 weeks ago. People say that when you're at a certain age time goes flying. For me, it has passed quicker than a transition between video clips. My person and personality has grown but not fully developed. I've experienced many things and learned even more and that's what's exciting about High School, it is always unexpected. I never thought I was going to be in a web design class when I was applying for High Schools, and the fact that I will graduate with a CTE Diploma is mindblowing to me. I feel like I'm talking too much but nothing's is relevant to what I've learned in the past 3 years. Let's get to it! Stuff I've Learned: Power Skills: Communication Public Speaking Teamwork Interview Skills Professionali


Hey, my name is Jorge Carty Diaz. I'm from Peru, a country located in South America. I am attending to Information Technology High School. I am a 17 year old Senior that is really passionate about designing. I am assisting to an CTE Web Design Academy in my school. I decided to join this academy because i like designing..... anything...... and i think this is the place where i belong, but this is not the only reason why i picked this academy, my dad is a Graphic Designer and he is basically my inspiration to this ''designing world''.            I feel like this academy will help me in the future like with college credits and if i get a Web Design diploma (which I'm getting for sure) i will be able to get a job doing what i love to do and also, get into college. I have a lot of hobbies like talking and playing with my friends, it can be video-games or a sport. I am a very curious person and i always like trying different stuff (that's why this year i will try