LAB #1 REFLECTION by Jorge Carty Diaz

               In this first lab, we started using Photoshop CC to put our 5 best photos that we took with the camera, label each photo angle and label our work by putting our name on it. In this lab I placed 5 photos in the work-space that represented a close up, high point, low point, angle, and eye level images. I resized the pictures by pressing "command+T" to resize and while resizing the photo i kept the "Shift" button pressed down to not mess the image. Then, i selected a type of font to label each picture but before that i had to change the font's color so i can make it visible in the work-space. After labeling all the photos, i added a stroke on the words to make it a little bit easier to read. Also, i added a shadow behind the letters to not make the it look so flat with the background. At the end i labeled my lab by putting my name, class name, date and # of lab. i also used the stroke on those words but i decided to not put the shadow behind it because i did not like how it looked. After all this, i started to do my background, to do this background i used the "Gradient Overlay" to not make it a flat one colored background. I used white in the middle and gray on top and bottom. I believe this skills are important for a web designer because a web designer will be using this basic tools on basically every project and without these skills, you won't be able to web design, these are the basics for a web designer.


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