LAB #2 IMAGE ADJUSTMENTS by Jorge Carty Diaz

In this second lab, we got a picture of a dog on a beach. We had to use the ''Lasso Tool'' to cut the dog off the image, duplicate the dog 10 times and change their color. In this lab we cropped the dog off the picture by using the ''Lasso Tool'' and duplicated the dog's layer 10 times. After duplicating the image, we started changing the size and location of the layers, all the cropped dogs have to be placed in a different position in the picture. I placed one of the dogs in the ocean trying to make it look like he is swimming and change its size to a really small one. Then, I changed another dog's size to really small and placed it on top of the sand to make it look like he is running on the beach and i believe that i achieved my goal of making both of the resizes dogs look real in the picture. After placing and resizing the cropped dogs, we had to change the colors of each dog, to do this, we selected the dog using the ''Magic Wand'' to select the whole picture, then I pressed ''cmd+shift+I'' to inverse and select the dog, after this we changed the dog's color hue, Saturation, Black and White, ETC. This helps a web designer get comfortable with the different tools and learn new actions to make interesting images. 


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