
Showing posts from April, 2018

PS - Synopsis By Jorge Carty Diaz

     In conclusion, these skills don't only help you as a Web Designer, they also help in life. Teamwork is helpful in school, sports and a lot of jobs. As a Web Designer it is helpful because you get to combine people's ideas together and form something that might have a stronger meaning. Professionalism can be used in a everyday routine, during school, jobs, home, ETC. If you use professionalism in different places, people will look at you in a different way, more of a positive way. Critical Thinking and Problem Solving is something really important in real life and as a Web Designer. This helps you develop better ways to solve a problem and analyze situations. There is always a second choice.      Another skill is Communication , we communicate everyday. I believe that communicating with other is really effective to gain knowledge and many other things. Networking could be very helpful to find jobs, this also can help you find people with your same interest and know who

PS - Interview Skills By Jorge Carty Diaz

    A first interview sometimes is scary because since is a first time, it could be a little challenging to know what to expect. Schools teach you the very basics of professionalism and some people don't realize them until later on in their lives. The first video I watched was about a lady getting interviewed but you can clearly see that she doesn't have any knowledge about an interview and clothing codes. At the very start I was able to see how she dressed up, she was wearing a hat for the whole interview. When the employer asked her questions, she wasn't sure what he was talking about and made some unusual answers to those questions. The video itself was a little weird because I felt that the girl applied to a job that she didn't even know what it was about and obviously she wasn't prepared.      On the other hand, on the second video I was able to see a lady that was dressed up professionally and I thought that this video was going to be more of an usual or prop

PS - Networking By Jorge Carty Diaz

     What is Networking? Well, Networking is a way of interacting with other people to exchange information and develop contacts, especially to further one's career. As a right now, I'm networking with my friends, which is a way someone can start networking. How do i know that these are the right people to network with? I believe these are the right people because we all have a common goal that we want to achieve.

PS - Communication By Jorge Carty Diaz

     Communication is something we use in an everyday routine. Communicating ideas is very important but we have to make sure we say them clearly and not assuming people know what we are talking about. Either written or spoken, we have to tell our ideas clearly. I believe we have to be very specific in both ways; written, spoken. For example, if you are going to share an idea, make sure to add how you would apply it and how much that will affect a project, discussion, argument, ETC.

PS - Critical Thinking And Problem Solving By Jorge Carty Diaz

     Web Designers constantly put in use many abilities and tend to sharp them really good. There are some abilities that are less important than others. Problem Solving is a really important skill that a Web Designer needs specially when he is having trouble with something. Finding different ways to solve a problem is an excellent choice because you get to see many options and you get to choose whatever is the best method. Also, Critical Thinking is very important a Web Designer needs to be ready to analyze a situation and find the best way to confront it no matter how hard it is. This last ability is also found to be effective in life.

PS - Professionalism by Jorge Carty Diaz

   Professionalism is a way of act that can be used in any place; work, home, school, ETC. In this case, How can you show professionalism in school?, well there are many ways to show professionalism in school. For example, being productive and get all your job done is a way of professionalism also known as productivity. This consist on getting the most amount of work in a certain amount of time, and trust me, productivity is the one of the best skills you can apply in schools. Finishing your work early and doing more work while you still have time is the best way to succeed in school because you can put more stuff in practice and gain experience in a certain topic and be ahead of others.

PS - Teamwork by Jorge Carty Diaz

   Teamwork is in my opinion one of the best skills that can be applied in a work place. Teamwork is a concept built by different branches that make this skill very effective for many situations. For example, If you want to design something with a group of people, everyone giving a different opinion and engaging with the design will make it a greater and more of a successful design because it has different point of views and all that combined makes a stronger idea.    But the true question is, What are those branches of the ''Teamwork Concept''?. Well, one of those branches is the ability to communicate. Why is communication so important? well, it's very simple, you don't want to miss any ideas from others or opinions because a lot of them might be important and also the ability of giving ideas without being shy of what people might think of them. Another branch is Feedback, you always want to give advises to your teammates so they can do the best they can, bein