LAB #1 - Basic HTML document by Jorge Carty Diaz
Today i did my first lab in my AP Computer Science Principles. This lab consisted on making a basic HTML document file using Adobe Dreamweaver. This lab was technically easy since I've been practicing HTML coding in the summer before coming back to school. In this lab we learned how to start a basic HTML file using <!doctype html> and <html> </html>. We coded our first headings using the heading tags <h#> to put the class name, our name, date, and lab #. Then we also used the paragraph element <p> </p> to write a paragraph explaining what i did in this lab. This is what Jorge of the past said "Making a basic HTML document doesn't take that long, it takes longer to open Dreamweaver in a MacEvery document starts with a ! doctype html and we start our codes with html between angle brackets.I started off by making 4 headings with title, subtitle, third heading and my name as a fourth heading.After all, I'm writing this paragraph using a "p" element.". Interesting...
This skills are needed by a web designer because if you don't know how to code the basics of an HTML document, how will you code your website?
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