LAB #2 - Putting an image into a HTML document by Jorge Carty Diaz

          In this lab we had to duplicate Lab #1's document and we had to slightly change the content in it. The first thing I changed was the title because obviously this was lab 2 and I wasn't going to keep the Lab 1 name, so i gave my document another title. I also changed the content of the heading 3 to "A little bit about me". Lastly, I changed the paragraph content with an introduction of myself to the world, similar to what i did previously.

          Done with the changes, it was time to add something new. I had to take a picture of myself in that moment and add it to the document. I took a picture and saved it in the same folder where my document was located, then used <img src> to add the picture into the document.

          This was an interesting lab since i learned something new. I learned how to put images into my document. I've noticed if you put the image wrong, you will get an icon that looks like a broken picture icon. Also, it is nice to have an alternate text of your image to tell the people what the image is in case they can't load it for XYZ reasons.


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