LAB #3 - Hyperlink img and text by Jorge Carty Diaz

          This is my lab 3 which consists on making a heading and add hyperlink images using codes. This will allow to get more familiarized with the codes and more comfortable with Dreamweaver. Putting these skills on practice will make me faster at this and more efficient. 

          That was the fast explanation of the lab that i put in the paragraph. In more details, i made a headings with different type of data such as "title of the lab", "lab number", "class", "name", etc. Then i wrote a small summary of the things i did in that lab which is the first paragraph of this text :).

          The interesting part comes now. I learned how to put links or URLs in the document using codes to redirect the reader to different websites. I was told to put the teacher's website, W3Schools' website and my Blogger page. In order to successfully do this lab, i used the <a href></a> element to put the links that will redirect the reader. I made 3 in particular to redirect them to different websites. Also, i named these links so the reader can clearly see where he will be taken to once clicking the link.


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