LAB #4 - Table of Colors by Jorge Carty Diaz

          This lab was one of the most tedious labs I've ever done. This lab had a lot of repetition but at the same time it was easy. The main idea was to make a table with 3 columns and have at least 16 rows of colors with their respective name, hex code and color demonstration (hue). In this case i did 21 rows meaning i did 21 different colors. I was assigned some specific colors but i decided to add some myself. In this lab, i also placed a heading giving information such as my name, class, lab name & number, date, etc. I changed the background color of the document because when i looked at it, i felt like it was kind of plain and by making it a little colorful by adding a baby blue as a background that can make a difference but it's not too disturbing.

          This is a good exercise for web designers because it helps them get used to the table codes and makes them more comfortable while making a table. I believe the repetition is a positive thing because it makes you repeat the same thing over and over and makes you memorize the codes and its usages. This will make the programmer have more knowledge and ability when it comes to making tables.


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