LAB #6 - Banner & Name plate by Jorge Carty Diaz

          Lab 6 was a simple lab but fun at the same time. I got to design my banner and my name plate which is something i had a lot of fun doing because i like applying ideas into my labs or projects. Getting back to the main topic, i used Adobe Photoshop to design these 2 images and used Adobe Dreamweaver to code it.

          In the HTML document, i have my banner on top of the page and my name plate on the bottom of the page. I have
different headings that give some information about the lab such as lab title, name, lab number, class, date. I also have a small paragraph that introduces and briefly talks about the document.

          This is a great lab because you get to apply visual design and digital design together to form one thing which is pretty cool. Now, this is very important because it shows that a web designer needs skills on different apps to design layouts for a website which i think it might be easier than coding the layouts yourself.


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