LAB #7 - Lab Homepage by Jorge Carty Diaz

          I've been waiting for this lab. I had so much fun in this lab, it might be because i like HTML or because this lab was interesting. I made some thing close to a website where you guys can click on the images and it will redirect you to the lab you clicked on. I also have my banner and name plate on the document on top and bottom, like it's supposed to be.

          In this lab, i reused the same banner and nameplate from Lab #6 which i think they look pretty cool, i might keep them or if i'm feeling inspired enough, design another one. I'm already zoning out. In this lab, i also used some text welcoming people to my lab homepage and my name. Lastly, I designed little boxed which are pretty simple but they look decent on the page and it consists on a green dashed outline, in the middle it has the lab # so you know where you are going and as a background, you can see a little blurred preview of the lab which was a detail that makes a difference.
I forgot to mention that i changed the background color to a light green that goes with the rest of the document but at the same time it isn't disturbing while looking at it.

          This lab would be important to a Web Designer because it teaches you how to use your visual design skills and apply it into digital design in the best ways. Also, this is a great practice when it comes to linking images with URLs which was pretty easy and repetitive but cool to code at the same time.


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