MP3 CE 1 - Jorge Carty Diaz

3 Reasons students aren't into computer science
By Jaime Perez

This article talks about 3 reasons why students aren't into computer science. We all know that not every high school in the different states offer computer science as a class (I'm very fortunate to have it) and that might be a problem because the salary for computer science careers have increased, meaning that there aren't a lot of computer scientists out there.

The 3 reasons Jaime Perez gave out are the following: Lack of exposure, Support, and Social Factors. These are very fundamental because all of those factors affect someone's opinion or perspective towards computer science. When Jaime Perez said Lack of Exposure, he means at the amount of information high school students have about computer science and how emphasized this idea is in schools. These students probably never heard about coding or anything related to it and since they lack of knowledge, they might not know that they like this subject.

When it comes to support, it means family support, friends, teachers, etc. Parents usually tell their kids to be doctors, lawyers or some other career but they never mention something like graphic designing, or web designing. In my case, it was a little different, my dad is a graphic designer and that's basically where I got my influence from but other kids that might have similar taste as me, may not have the same influence and end up doing something else. This is why it is super important for parents to make their kids decide what they want to do and let them explore different careers.




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