CTE EXPO 2019 - Jorge Carty Diaz

By Jorge Carty Diaz

The CTE explain this year was different than last year. I got the chance to talk to freshman that were interested in joining the program but, as always, there were some disrespectful people that wouldn't even listen to you. Anyways, the whole point of the expo is to show off our projects to the new people and build up our communication skills, or as we call it "Sell ourselves". In my opinion, this isn't helping me since I like talking to people who are interested in what I'm saying but when I'm feeling like I'm wasting my time, I don't really put much effort.

Usually, when it comes to presentations, interviews, etc. I tend to not prepare myself to not make me sound like a robot, instead, I improvise. Probably it isn't the smartest way to go but it makes me less nervous and actually enjoy doing it, feels like I'm talking to a lot of people at the same time than anything else but I did have some ideas of what to say. 

In this event, I talked to freshman and teachers about what a web designer has to go through and my problems, as well as showing my website. Most of the people were amazed by our work and they were interacting with everyone. This is something that really went well because almost everyone was interacting with web designers at all time. Next time we have an expo, I would like to have more of a finished game, something people would enjoy playing, something not simple, something complicated, something that makes people not turn around thinking about leaving. I would do something like that for the next expo and I am working on it.

At the end of the day, my poor opinion might not count but I think the expo, more than helping us, helps the people decide whether joining the web design academy or not. Why do I say this? Well basically, I like talking to mature people and I was very respectful in my freshman year to the people presenting their stuff because I visioned myself doing the same thing.


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