PROJECT UNO - Jorge Carty Diaz

Project one had easy and hard moments. It was very hard to get everyone to do their job to have it on
time and to get everyone's ideas into one project since we had many things in mind but we could only keep one and stick to it and probably make changes later on. We faced many challenges with coding but there was one in particular that stands out the most. Putting all the parts together. It was hard because some of my teammates made general tags in the CSS part and once we tried to put all parts together, the whole project kept messing up. For example, they were having CSS of padding that affected the whole document and others that also affected other HTML files making it a complete mess. I was in charge of combining the work so, I had to fix it. What I did to fix it was put all tags in classes and ids to stop interfering with other files and that was a lot of work. After it was fixed, I had to also modify the links because we all had different folder destinations. Something we did very well was the division of work. We all did the same amount of work for our sites and researches. Obviously, we didn't turn our backs when someone needed help, we helped each other at all times because the code was getting more complex as we kept going. Even though we are very satisfied with our project, there is a lot of stuff we can improve on.

We can change our layout and make it more modern instead of having it simple. A lot of people claimed to like it that way but in my opinion, we could've done better in the layout. Our idea was good, Social Media is a big thing and cyberbullying is an issue.


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