Lab Quince | JS Drum Kit & Clock | Jorge Carty

In lab 15, I was required to create a website that allowed the user to play sounds from a drum kit using the keyboard, to be more exact, with keys like "A", "S", "D", "F", "G", "H", "J", "K", "L". Also, this lab has a clock that tells you the real-time and it's constantly updating.

To develop this idea I had to design the clock and the drum kit in HTML and CSS, and add its functionality with JavaScript. For the drum kit, divs were made with specific data-keys and using audio tags that also react to data-keys which makes the sounds work, and the other makes the div get highlighted once you press a key in the drum kit. A function in JavaScript was also made in order to allow the user to spam the sounds, otherwise, the sound would play and the user would have to wait a couple of seconds to play it again.

As for the Clock, it was made using divs and changing their form by modifying the radius of the main div to simulate a circular shape of a clock. JavaScript was also used for the clock and it first identifies the real-time to, later on, activate another function that makes the hands in the clock move by seconds and minutes, calculates by degrees they have to move.

These skills are beneficial for a web designer because it allows us to have more opportunities when it comes to creations and using our creativity to develop programs and/or more advanced websites. Now that I know how to do this stuff, I can make a more interesting website using these same skills and tricks to give the user a better experience on our website.


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