Lab Veintiuno | Fun with HTML5 Canvas | Jorge Carty

Visual Representation of Lab 21
Lab 21 was interesting to make. Very little HTML, but mucho color! In this lab, the user has the freedom to draw whatever they want on the canvas with either holding right or left-click. As shown in the image above.

HTML, CSS, and JavaScript were used to make this and a canvas tag in HTML was necessary to make this possible and I gave it the id of "draw" to later on in JavaScript work with that. What the JavsScript does is change the colors as you paint in the canvas and it also changes the stroke size of the "brush" aka mouse as you paint. So it will go from thick brush to a thin brush and reset after you hit the limits.

A Web Designer can utilize this skill to make a game. This reminded me of a game where you can play with friends and you will be given words and you have to draw it, while other players try to guess your drawing. It is really fun when you play with friends.

JavaScript of Lab 21


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