
Showing posts from October, 2017

LAB #3 IMAGE ADJUSTMENTS PT#2 by Jorge Carty Diaz

               This lab is the part #2 of ''Image Adjustments'' lab. In this lab, we got an image of a car and we had to change the color of the images. First, we duplicated the images 4 times and placed them in lateral overlapping their corners with each other having the original image in the right hand corner of the work space. After, I proceeded to change the color of the 4 images by this steps, ''Image, adjustment, (filter)''. For the first picture i changed it to ''Black and White''. In the second picture, I changed the saturation level of the second image, i wanted it to look saturated but natural at the same time so I increased its saturation level a little bit. For the third picture, I only changed the color of the car, this action is called ''Replace Color'', i changed the color of the car and instead of red i switched it purple since it's one of my favorite colors. In the fourth and last picture, I had to cha

LAB #2 IMAGE ADJUSTMENTS by Jorge Carty Diaz

In this second lab, we got a picture of a dog on a beach. We had to use the ''Lasso Tool'' to cut the dog off the image, duplicate the dog 10 times and change their color. In this lab we cropped the dog off the picture by using the ''Lasso Tool'' and duplicated the dog's layer 10 times. After dupl icating the image, we started changing the size and location of the layers, all the cropped dogs have to be placed in a different position in the picture. I placed one of the dogs in the ocean trying to make it look like he is swimming and change its size to a really small one. Then, I changed another dog's size to really small and placed it on top of the sand to make it look like he is running on the beach and i believe that i achieved my goal of making both of the resizes dogs look real in the picture. After placing and resizing the cropped dogs, we had to change the colors of each dog, to do this, we selected the dog using the ''Magic Wand

WINDOWS VS MAC by Jorge Carty

                    There are a lot of differences between a Mac and a Windows computers. There are a lot of things so mention. Their laptops are differently designed, Apple spends a lot of years to design their laptops because they are trying to make it as comfortable as possible, Microsoft is doing the same thing now, they came up with the Surface book with a Surface pen. Microsoft claims that this Surface book is as twice as fast than a MacBook Pro, the Surface's screen can be detached from the keyboard and be used as a tablet with the Surface pen or your finger.     Something we all agree on is that a Windows laptops are cheaper than the MacBooks. Some people claim that Windows offers better laptops for less money, that Windows runs better than Macs but there are a lot of opinion around the whole discussion. Windows laptops have a starting price of around $500 when the MacBook Air laptop is the cheapest in Apple with an starting price of $899. I didn't know abo

LAB #1 REFLECTION by Jorge Carty Diaz

               In this first lab, we started using Photoshop CC to put our 5 best photos that we took with the camera, label each photo angle and label our work by putting our name on it. In this lab I placed 5 photos in the work-space that represented a close up, high point, low point, angle, and eye level images. I resized the pictures by pressing "command+T" to resize and while resizing the photo i kept the "Shift" button pressed down to not mess the image. Then, i selected a type of font to label each picture but before that i had to change the font's color so i can make it visible in the work-space. After labeling all the photos, i added a stroke on the words to make it a little bit easier to read. Also, i added a shadow behind the letters to not make the it look so flat with the background. At the end i labeled my lab by putting my name, class name, date and # of lab. i also used the stroke on those words but i decided to not put the shadow behind it bec