
Showing posts from October, 2018

LAB 8 - Flash Talk Page by Jorge Carty Diaz

In the lab 8 called "Flash Talk Page" we had to do many things. Maybe it wasn't many things but it was definitely stuff that takes time to prepare and make. In this lab we made a 2 minute speech of an internet issue giving information about the topic in a simple way that everyone would understand. We had a research phase where we were supposed to collect information about the topic. Then we got into the writing phase, which was basically organizing the information we collected from our research and making it 2 minutes long. Then we entered in the recording phase which consisted on recording ourselves reading the speech we prepared in the previous phase. I decided to make the video in my house since i wanted to do it with my own equipment and i believe it turned out being pretty good. Lastly, we came to the coding phase which is basically embedding the video into the HTML document for everyone to see. This probably was my favorite lab by far because i got to combine my t

MP2 CE#2 - by Jorge Carty Diaz

 "Geek Girl" gamers are more likely to study science and technology degrees In the article "Geek Girl gamers are more likely to study science and technology degrees" talks about how girls labeled as "Gamer Girls" are more likely to study Science and Technology. The study funded by the British Academy  states that girls who play games are up to three times more likely to choose physical science, technology, engineering or math careers than the "non-gamer" girls based on the research made by the University of Surrey . This research was lead by Dr. Anesa Hosein which stated " there are still too few female PSTEM role models for young women.  However, our research shows that those who study PTSEM subjects at degree level are more likely to be gamers, so we need to encourage the girl gamers of today to become the engineering and physics students and pioneers of tomorrow". What Dr. Anesa Hosein is saying is that not a lot of girls are

MP2 - Current Events #1 by Jorge Carty Diaz

The article "Two systems allow smart devices to have environmental awareness" by Siobhan Treacy is about two groups from Carnegie Mellon University that created 2 systems that are able to identify what a person is doing and give a description of the person's action by sounds or using vibrations from its surroundings. The first system is called "ubicoustics" that consists on microphones and common sensor from the device; phones, smartwatches, speakers, etc. Chris Harrison, assistant professor in CMU's Human-Computer Interaction Institute (HCII) stated "But if these devices understood what was happening around them, they could be more helpful." I think he thinks that if a device would be more helpful if it knew what a person was doing. Also, this feature will help people that are in need of an emergency since those devices should be aware of their environment. The second system is called "Vibrosight" that consists on a device having awar

LAB #7 - Lab Homepage by Jorge Carty Diaz

          I've been waiting for this lab. I had so much fun in this lab, it might be because i like HTML or because this lab was interesting. I made some thing close to a website where you guys can click on the images and it will redirect you to the lab you clicked on. I also have my banner and name plate on the document on top and bottom, like it's supposed to be.           In this lab, i reused the same banner and nameplate from Lab #6 which i think they look pretty cool, i might keep them or if i'm feeling inspired enough, design another one. I'm already zoning out. In this lab, i also used some text welcoming people to my lab homepage and my name. Lastly, I designed little boxed which are pretty simple but they look decent on the page and it consists on a green dashed outline, in the middle it has the lab # so you know where you are going and as a background, you can see a little blurred preview of the lab which was a detail that makes a difference. I forgot to m

LAB #6 - Banner & Name plate by Jorge Carty Diaz

          Lab 6 was a simple lab but fun at the same time. I got to design my banner and my name plate which is something i had a lot of fun doing because i like applying ideas into my labs or projects. Getting back to the main topic, i used Adobe Photoshop to design these 2 images and used Adobe Dreamweaver to code it.           In the HTML document, i have my banner on top of the page and my name plate on the bottom of the page. I have different headings that give some information about the lab such as lab title, name, lab number, class, date. I also have a small paragraph that introduces and briefly talks about the document.           This is a great lab because you get to apply visual design and digital design together to form one thing which is pretty cool. Now, this is very important because it shows that a web designer needs skills on different apps to design layouts for a website which i think it might be easier than coding the layouts yourself.

WBL Workshop #1 - Introduction & Futures and Options by Jorge Carty Diaz

          In this first workshop, we went through the requirements to obtain a CTE Diploma which was the small part of the workshop since most of us know what we need already. The academy has a partnership with Futures and Options that allows Video and Web kids be able to have internships or participate in the different programs they offer. They offer a paid internship where you will have to represent Futures and Options and also our academy in a professional way. They also offer a program that helps you write a resume, teaches you how to behave in a professional workplace and many other things; this program is called Career Essentials.           I was part of this program and i have to say that they do a great job! I had Shamecca and Devi as instructors and i have to say that they did a great job. They gave me different ways to write a resume. They taught me how to dress up for an interview. They also let me have mock interviews with professionals from other companies to practice ou

LAB #5 - Table & Lists by Jorge Carty Diaz

          In this lab #5, I was supposed to make a table with 2 rows and 6 columns that contain different type of information. The information that I required to put in my columns was favorite foods, favorite movies, favorite subjects, least favorite subjects, favorite music genre, and grocery list. For some of them i had to put reasons why i liked them and basically give reasoning to my answer which makes sense, you should always a reason to your choices. This lab kind of complicated since there was a lot of code together and it got confusing at times because my code wasn't working and it stressed me out when i had to look over everything, but something that helped me a lot was the organization i have while coding. I always have comments that tells me what codes do, basically i have pseudo code to make my life easier when it comes to look at my work over.           In this case, i found very interesting how i was able to solve problems using different methods and that is someth

LAB #4 - Table of Colors by Jorge Carty Diaz

          This lab was one of the most tedious labs I've ever done. This lab had a lot of repetition but at the same time it was easy. The main idea was to make a table with 3 columns and have at least 16 rows of colors with their respective name, hex code and color demonstration (hue). In this case i did 21 rows meaning i did 21 different colors. I was assigned some specific colors but i decided to add some myself. In this lab, i also placed a heading giving information such as my name, class, lab name & number, date, etc. I changed the background color of the document because when i looked at it, i felt like it was kind of plain and by making it a little colorful by adding a baby blue as a background that can make a difference but it's not too disturbing.           This is a good exercise for web designers because it helps them get used to the table codes and makes them more comfortable while making a table. I believe the repetition is a positive thing because it makes

LAB #3 - Hyperlink img and text by Jorge Carty Diaz

           This is my  lab 3   which consists on making a heading and add hyperlink images using codes . This will allow to get more familiarized with the codes and more comfortable with Dreamweaver. Putting these skills on practice will make me faster at this and more efficient.            That was the fast explanation of the lab that i put in the paragraph. In more details, i made a headings with different type of data such as "title of the lab", "lab number", "class", "name", etc. Then i wrote a small summary of the things i did in that lab which is the first paragraph of this text :).           The interesting part comes now. I learned how to put links or URLs in the document using codes to redirect the reader to different websites. I was told to put the teacher's website, W3Schools' website and my Blogger page. In order to successfully do this lab, i used the <a href></a> element to put the links that will redirect th

LAB #2 - Putting an image into a HTML document by Jorge Carty Diaz

          In this lab we had to duplicate Lab #1's document and we had to slightly change the content in it. The first thing I changed was the title because obviously this was lab 2 and I wasn't going to keep the Lab 1 name, so i gave my document another title. I also changed the content of the heading 3 to "A little bit about me". Lastly, I changed the paragraph content with an introduction of myself to the world, similar to what i did previously.           Done with the changes, it was time to add something new. I had to take a picture of myself in that moment and add it to the document. I took a picture and saved it in the same folder where my document was located, then used <img src> to add the picture into the document.           This was an interesting lab since i learned something new. I learned how to put images into my document. I've noticed if you put the image wrong, you will get an icon that looks like a broken picture icon. Also, it is nice

LAB #1 - Basic HTML document by Jorge Carty Diaz

Today i did my first lab in my AP Computer Science Principles. This lab consisted on making a basic HTML document file using Adobe Dreamweaver. This lab was technically easy since I've been practicing HTML coding in the summer before coming back to school. In this lab we learned how to start a basic HTML file using <!doctype html> and <html> </html>. We coded our first headings using the heading tags <h#> to put the class name, our name, date, and lab #. Then we also used the paragraph element <p> </p> to write a paragraph explaining what i did in this lab. This is what Jorge of the past said "Making a basic HTML document doesn't take that long, it takes longer to open Dreamweaver in a MacEvery document starts with a ! doctype html and we start our codes with html between angle brackets.I started off by making 4 headings with title, subtitle, third heading and my name as a fourth heading.After all, I'm writing this paragraph using a